
How Long Does It Take To Walk Normally After Knee Replacement?

How Long Does It Take To Walk Normally After Knee Replacement?

The time it takes to walk generally after knee replacement surgery can vary from person to person, and it depends on several factors, including the individual’s overall health, the specific surgical technique used, adherence to post-operative rehabilitation, and the extent of joint damage before surgery. In general, most people can start walking with the help of a walker or crutches within 1 to 3 days after knee replacement surgery. Walking normally without assistance may take several weeks to a few months, depending on the individual’s progress and recovery.

Here’s a general timeline of what to expect after knee replacement surgery:

  1. Immediately After Surgery: In the immediate postoperative period, patients will likely use a walker or crutches and receive physical therapy to begin gentle range-of-motion exercises and walking practice.
  2. First Few Weeks: During the first few weeks after surgery, patients will continue to use a walker or crutches as they gradually progress to putting more weight on the new knee. Physical therapy sessions will focus on strengthening the surrounding muscles, improving joint flexibility, and restoring walking ability.
  3. Weeks 4 to 6: Many patients can start walking with a cane or stick instead of using a walker or crutches. They may begin to walk short distances without assistance, but they may still need support for longer walks or uneven terrain.
  4. Weeks 6 to 12: Most patients continue to improve their walking ability during this period. Walking without assistance becomes more comfortable and natural as the knee heals and gains strength.
  5. Months 3 to 6: By this stage, many patients usually walk without assistive devices. They may still participate in physical therapy to improve strength, balance, and overall function.

Individual recovery experiences can vary; some patients may progress more quickly or slowly than others. The key to a successful recovery after knee replacement surgery is consistent adherence to the prescribed rehabilitation program, staying active, and following the orthopedic surgeon’s and physical therapist’s guidance.
