
Category: MCL

What Does A MCL Tear Feel Like?

What Does A MCL Tear Feel Like?

The medial collateral ligament (MCL) ligament is a ligament on the inside of the knee that connects the thigh bone to the shin bone in the lower leg. It provides stability for inward movements of the knee. The MCL is…
Can You Bend Your Knee With A Torn MCL?

Can You Bend Your Knee With A Torn MCL?

In the acute stages of injury, it may be difficult to fully bend and straighten the knee following an MCL injury. When the pain and swelling have improved, you may be able to bend and straighten your knee, but significant…
How Do I Know If I Tore My MCL?

How Do I Know If I Tore My MCL?

The medial collateral ligament (MCL) is located on the inner side of the knee, and it helps provide stability to the knee joint. Injury to the MCL can be associated with a popping sound or sensation, pain over the inner…