
Category: Rotator Cuff

Should I Heat Or Ice My Shoulder?

Should I Heat Or Ice My Shoulder?

If you have an acute (sudden) onset of pain, ice is the best option for the first 72 hours. Heat can work well for stiff and tense shoulders once the acute inflammatory response has subsided.
What Cream Is Best For Shoulder Pain?

What Cream Is Best For Shoulder Pain?

Topical analgesics, like Biofreeze, Bengay, or Aspercreme can help relieve pain for a short period of time.
Is Heat Good For Shoulder Pain?

Is Heat Good For Shoulder Pain?

Heat can help improve tense shoulder muscles and shoulders that are stiff. Heat is not recommended during the first 72 hours following a shoulder injury or when acute swelling is present.
How Do You Stretch A Sore Rotator Cuff?

How Do You Stretch A Sore Rotator Cuff?

anti-inflammatory medications, and physical therapy are conservative strategies that help many patients alleviate shoulder bursitis. If these conservative interventions are insufficient, or your symptoms are severe, your physician may give you a cortisone injection to reduce bursitis. If these less…
How Do You Get Rid Of Bursitis In Your Shoulder?

How Do You Get Rid Of Bursitis In Your Shoulder?

Eliminating inflammation is the first step in getting rid of bursitis. Activity modification,
How Do Chiropractors Know Where To Adjust?

How Do Chiropractors Know Where To Adjust?

A thorough chiropractic evaluation will guide the chiropractic treatment. Chiropractors are trained to select the treatment technique that will best address your pain.
What A Rotator Cuff Tear Feels Like?

What Does A Rotator Cuff Tear Feel Like?

Rotator cuff tears can feel like a sharp localized pain in the shoulder. Over time, the pain can radiate to the shoulder blade and elbow. Some people never experience pain when tearing their rotator cuff. Instead, these individuals may notice…
How Does A Tennis Ball Help With Shoulder Pain?

How Does A Tennis Ball Help With Shoulder Pain?

Tennis balls can be used for self-massage techniques that address trigger points and myofascial restrictions.
What Is Subscap?

What Is Subscap?

Subscap is short for subscapularis. The subscapularis is one of four muscles whose tendons comprise the rotator cuff. The subscapularis’ main function is to turn the arm in. It can also assist in bringing your arm closer to your body…
How Do You Massage A Sore Rotator Cuff?

How Do You Massage A Sore Rotator Cuff?

Rotator cuff self-massage is best performed with the assistance of a self-massage tool such as a ball, cane, roller, or massage gun. These allow targeted treatment in a pain-free range of motion.