
What Not To Do With A Lumbar Strain?

What Not To Do With A Lumbar Strain?

When you have a lumbar strain, avoid certain activities and behaviors that can exacerbate the injury or delay healing.

Here are some key things to avoid…

Avoid Heavy Lifting

  • Why – Lifting heavy objects can put undue stress on your lumbar spine, worsening the strain.
  • Alternative – If you must lift something, use proper lifting techniques: bend your knees, keep your back straight, and lift with your legs, not your back.

Avoid Prolonged Sitting or Standing

  • Why – Staying in one position for too long can increase stiffness and discomfort in the lumbar region.
  • Alternative – Take frequent breaks to move around and change positions. If you must sit for extended periods, ensure proper lumbar support.

Avoid High-Impact Activities

  • Why – Activities such as running, jumping, or any high-impact sports can aggravate a lumbar strain.
  • Alternative – Engage in low-impact exercises like walking, swimming, or using an elliptical machine, which is gentler on the back.

Avoid Twisting Movements

  • Why – Twisting your torso, especially while lifting, can further strain the lumbar muscles.
  • Alternative – Be mindful of your movements and avoid any actions that involve twisting your spine.

Avoid Poor Posture

  • Why – Slouching or sitting with poor posture can increase stress on your lumbar spine.
  • Alternative – Maintain good posture, with your back straight and shoulders back. Use ergonomic chairs and supportive pillows if necessary.

Avoid Sleeping on Your Stomach

  • Why – Sleeping on your stomach can strain your lower back.
  • Alternative – Sleep on your back with a pillow under your knees, or on your side with a pillow between your knees to maintain proper spinal alignment.

Avoid Ignoring Pain

  • Why – Ignoring pain and continuing to engage in activities that cause discomfort can worsen the injury.
  • Alternative – Listen to your body and rest as needed. Use pain as a guide to avoid activities that may exacerbate your condition.

Avoid Overusing Pain Medication

  • Why – Relying too heavily on pain medication can mask symptoms and lead to overexertion, potentially worsening the strain.
  • Alternative – Use medication as directed by a healthcare professional and combine it with other treatments like physical therapy, ice/heat therapy, and rest.

Avoid Delaying Treatment

  • Why – Delaying appropriate treatment can lead to chronic pain and longer recovery times.
  • Alternative – Seek medical advice promptly if your pain is severe, persistent, or accompanied by other symptoms like numbness or weakness.

Avoid Sedentary Lifestyle

  • Why – Being inactive can lead to muscle weakness, and stiffness, and impede recovery.
  • Alternative – Engage in gentle, low-impact activities and stretching exercises as recommended by a healthcare provider to maintain mobility and strength.

Avoid Inappropriate Stretching and Exercises

  • Why – Some stretches and exercises can exacerbate lumbar strain if done improperly or too soon.
  • Alternative – Follow a physical therapist’s guidance for safe and effective exercises tailored to your condition.

Key Takeaways

  • Rest and Gradual Return – Allow time for your lumbar strain to heal and gradually return to normal activities.
  • Listen to Your Body – Avoid any activities or movements that cause pain or discomfort.
  • Seek Professional Guidance – Consult healthcare professionals for a personalized treatment and recovery plan.

By avoiding these activities and behaviors, you can promote faster healing and prevent further injury to your lumbar spine.
