
Category: lumbar

How Do You Unlock Your Lumbar Spine?
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How Do You Unlock Your Lumbar Spine?

Unlocking your lumbar spine involves techniques and exercises that promote mobility, flexibility, and reduced tension in the lower back. Here are several methods to help you unlock your lumbar spine... Stretching Exercises Knee-to-Chest Stretch How to Do It Lie on…
What Not To Do With A Lumbar Strain?

What Not To Do With A Lumbar Strain?

When you have a lumbar strain, avoid certain activities and behaviors that can exacerbate the injury or delay healing. Here are some key things to avoid... Avoid Heavy Lifting Why - Lifting heavy objects can put undue stress on your lumbar…
How Do You Make Lumbar Pain Go Away?

How Do You Make Lumbar Pain Go Away?

Managing and alleviating lumbar pain involves a combination of treatments and lifestyle modifications. Here are several strategies to help reduce lumbar pain... Rest and Activity Modification Rest - Initially, rest the affected area to reduce inflammation and pain. Avoid activities that…
Does Walking Help Lumbar Back Pain?

Does Walking Help Lumbar Back Pain?

Yes, walking can help alleviate lumbar back pain in several ways. Regular walking promotes overall physical health and specifically benefits the lower back. Here’s how walking can help with lumbar back pain... Benefits of Walking for Lumbar Back Pain Improves…
How Can I Adjust My Lumbar At Home?

How Can I Adjust My Lumbar At Home?

Adjusting your lumbar spine at home typically involves gentle stretching and mobilization techniques aimed at relieving tension and improving flexibility. Here are some methods to adjust your lumbar spine at home... Knee-to-Chest Stretch How to Do It Lie on your…
Should You Stretch A Lumbar Strain?

Should You Stretch A Lumbar Strain?

When dealing with a lumbar strain, approach stretching with caution. Lumbar strains involve stretching or tearing of the muscles and tendons in the lower back, which can lead to pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility. Here are some considerations regarding stretching…
Is Stretching Good For Lumbar Pain?

Is Stretching Good For Lumbar Pain?

Stretching can be beneficial for alleviating lumbar pain when done appropriately and in consideration of the specific condition causing the pain. Here are ways in which stretching can help with lumbar pain... Benefits of Stretching for Lumbar Pain Improves Flexibility…
How Do I Strengthen My Lumbar Back?

How Do I Strengthen My Lumbar Back?

Strengthening the muscles in your lumbar (lower back) region is crucial for supporting your spine, improving stability, and reducing the risk of back pain. Here are effective exercises to strengthen your lumbar back... Back Extensions Prone Back Extension Lie face…
Is Walking Good For Lumbar Strain?

Is Walking Good For Lumbar Strain?

Yes, walking can benefit individuals recovering from a lumbar strain, as long as it is done carefully and within the limits of what your body can comfortably handle. Here are some reasons why walking can be good for lumbar strain...…
Does Lumbar Support Actually Help?

Does Lumbar Support Actually Help?

Lumbar support can indeed be helpful for many individuals, especially those who experience lower back pain or discomfort. Here are some ways lumbar support can be beneficial... Benefits of Lumbar Support Maintains Proper Posture - Lumbar support cushions or devices are…