
Is It Ok To Massage A Torn Rotator Cuff?

Is It Ok To Massage A Torn Rotator Cuff?

It is perfectly okay to receive a massage for a rotator cuff injury. However, the massage alone will not heal the rotator cuff tear. The massage can assist in addressing the surrounding musculature that may be in a guarded state…
What Causes Rotator Cuff Tendinitis?

What Causes Rotator Cuff Tendinitis?

Acute rotator cuff tendonitis will have a quick onset, typically due to excessive work of the shoulder over a short period of time (a few days to a few weeks). This can be from causes as benign as doing a…
How Many Rotator Cuffs Do You Have?

How Many Rotator Cuffs Do You Have?

You have one rotator cuff for each shoulder joint. The rotator cuff is made up of four muscles–the infraspinatus, supraspinatus, subscapularis, teres minor.
What Happens If Rotator Cuff Is Not Repaired?

What Happens If Rotator Cuff Is Not Repaired?

Not all rotator cuff injuries require surgical repair. Rotator cuff issues increase along with age, and most don’t cause issues. Many middle-aged and elderly adults have asymptomatic (no pain/weakness/lack of motion) or minimally symptomatic rotator cuff injuries. A person can…
What Are The 4 Tendons Of The Rotator Cuff?

What Are The 4 Tendons Of The Rotator Cuff?

The tendons of the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis make up the rotator cuff.
Do Rotator Cuff Injuries Get Worse Over Time?

Do Rotator Cuff Injuries Get Worse Over Time?

Rotator cuff injuries can worsen over time if not properly cared for. Too little exercise or too much/too strenuous exercise can worsen rotator cuff injuries.
How Do You Strengthen Your Rotator Cuff?

How Do You Strengthen Your Rotator Cuff?

Restoring strength is accomplished by performing resistance exercises. Resistance exercises that use free weights and gym machines will likely be too demanding, especially early on. A physical therapist will help you find a good starting point for your exercise plan…
What Is The Best Exercise For Rotator Cuff Injury?

What Is The Best Exercise For Rotator Cuff Injury?

There is no one “best exercise”. The exercises that will be beneficial for a particular person depends on the extent of the injury and the associated pain, weakness, or lack of range of motion. A physical therapist will help you…
What Is The Best Pain Reliever For Rotator Cuff?

What Is The Best Pain Reliever For Rotator Cuff?

Avoiding painful movements and heavy lifting will help the pain diminish. Over-the-counter pain medications and ice may also provide relief.
How Long Does It Take Rotator Cuff To Heal?

How Long Does It Take Rotator Cuff To Heal?

If you have surgery, the return to strenuous activities may not occur until four months after surgery. Full return to activity may not occur until 9 -12 months after surgery.