
What Do You Wear To Physical Therapy?

What Do You Wear To Physical Therapy?

Physical therapists will recommend that you wear clothes you can comfortably work out in and closed-toe shoes. Physical therapy involves plenty of exercise, so you must dress appropriately for your comfort and safety in the clinic. Wearing inappropriate clothing may…
How Demanding Is Physical Therapy?

How Demanding Is Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy may be physically and mentally demanding, depending on your condition and plan of care. Physical therapy can involve low-level to rigorous exercise, manual therapy, traction, movement analysis, and a plethora of other interventions that are aimed at helping…
How Much Do You Have To Lift To Be A Powerlifter?

How Much Do You Have To Lift To Be A Powerlifter?

A powerlifter is defined as anybody who competes in a powerlifting meet. The barrier to entry to becoming a powerlifter is very low. Most local-level powerlifting meets require no qualifying total and are friendly environments to get your toes wet.…
Is 34 Too Late To Start Lifting?

Is 34 Too Late To Start Lifting?

It is not too late to start lifting after turning 34 years old. In fact, the general notion is that peak physical performance may range from ages 25 to 35. Starting to lift weights at 34 years old may not…
Can I Get Jacked After 30?

Can I Get Jacked After 30?

It is not too late to get jacked after turning 30 years old. The general notion is that peak physical performance may range from ages 25 to 35. Starting to lift weights at 30 years old may not lead you…
How Much Should A 30-year-old Male Deadlift?

How Much Should A 30-year-old Male Deadlift?

There is no specific weight that a 30-year-old should be capable of deadlifting. However, strength through the muscles involved in the deadlift may help prevent injury. Deadlifts are a great exercise to stimulate the use of your lower back, glute,…
Is It Too Late To Get Buff At 30?

Is It Too Late To Get Buff At 30?

It is not too late to get buff at 30 years old. The general notion is that peak physical performance may range from ages 25 to 35. Starting to lift weights at 30 years old may not lead you to…
Does Powerlifting Go By Age?

Does Powerlifting Go By Age?

Powerlifting is classified by both weight class and age group. There are multiple federations in powerlifting, and each federation may categorize their weight classes and age groups differently. “Best Lifter” is an award that is given at every meeting to…
Is It OK To Wear Jeans To Physical Therapy?

Is It OK To Wear Jeans To Physical Therapy?

It is okay to wear jeans to physical therapy, but this may limit the types of activities you may be able to perform, depending on your condition. If you are progressing through exercises that may require more deep squatting, plyometrics,…
Will I Lose Weight With A PT?

Will I Lose Weight With A PT?

The abbreviation “PT” may be referencing a personal trainer or a physical therapist. A personal trainer may focus on helping you lose weight, while a physical therapist helps get patients out of pain and back to or beyond their prior…