
How Can I Heal My ACL Faster?

How Can I Heal My ACL Faster?

Whether you require surgery or you are a non-surgical candidate, physical therapy is vital to recovery after an ACL injury. Physical therapy will help you reduce swelling, increase range of motion, improve strength, and restore lost function. Surgery will restore…
Where Is ACL Pain Located?

Where Is ACL Pain Located?

Most individuals report pain over the front of their knee following an ACL injury. There can also be pain on the inside or outside of the knee if there are additional issues involved at the time of injury.
How Do You Know If ACL Is Torn Or Sprained?

How Do You Know If ACL Is Torn Or Sprained?

An ACL can be partially or completely torn. An ACL is considered sprained when the tearing is microscopic, and the ligament remains intact. Individuals typically report feeling or hearing a pop when they tear their ACL. Swelling of the knee…
How Painful Is An ACL Tear?

How Painful Is An ACL Tear?

Many people report moderate to severe pain at the time of injury, but this is not consistent. There are individuals who tear their ACL and never experience pain. Most people report hearing a popping sound at the time of injury.…
Can An ACL Tear Heal Without Surgery?

Can An ACL Tear Heal Without Surgery?

Partial tears of the ACL have the potential to heal on their own. There are also documented cases of complete tears healing without surgical intervention. Partial tears are more likely to heal on their own than complete tears due to…
Can You Walk With An Acl Injury?

Can You Walk With An ACL Injury?

Yes. If you do not sustain any additional injuries to your knee, and you maintain good stability of the knee, you can return to walking. The ability to walk after an acute knee injury does not mean that you did…
How Long Does An Acl Injury Take To Heal?

How Long Does An Acl Injury Take To Heal?

Most people heal from an ACL injury in 6 to 9 months. If a person is a candidate for non-surgical treatment, the recovery process is approximately 3 months.  Surgical candidates who are attempting to return to competitive athletics are less…
Can Acl Injury Heal On Its Own?

Can Acl Injury Heal On Its Own?

Partial tears of the ACL have the potential to heal on their own. There are also documented cases of complete tears healing without surgical intervention. Partial tears are more likely to heal on their own than complete tears due to…
Should I Heat Or Ice My Shoulder?

Should I Heat Or Ice My Shoulder?

If you have an acute (sudden) onset of pain, ice is the best option for the first 72 hours. Heat can work well for stiff and tense shoulders once the acute inflammatory response has subsided.
What Cream Is Best For Shoulder Pain?

What Cream Is Best For Shoulder Pain?

Topical analgesics, like Biofreeze, Bengay, or Aspercreme can help relieve pain for a short period of time.