Physical therapy for lower back pain involves strengthening exercises, stretching, and pain management techniques to improve function and reduce discomfort.
Physical therapy focuses on strengthening, flexibility, and pain management techniques.
The big three spine exercises are planks, bird-dogs, and side bridges, which effectively strengthen the core and support the spine.
For lower back pain, avoid heavy lifting, twisting movements, and prolonged sitting or standing without breaks.
Pop your lower back in bed by gently twisting your torso while lying on your back, with your knees bent and feet flat on the bed, moving your knees to one side and your upper body to the opposite side.
Plank exercises are good for lower back pain as they strengthen the core muscles, which support the lower back.
You can decompress the lower back by doing exercises like child's pose or lying on your back with knees bent and gently pulling your knees to your chest.
Decompress your spine by using inversion therapy, doing stretches like child's pose, or hanging from a pull-up bar.
Rehab involves a combination of rest, physical therapy, gentle stretching, and strengthening exercises.
Anti-inflammatory drinks like turmeric tea or ginger tea can help alleviate back pain.