
Is dry needling better than a massage?

Is dry needling better than a massage?

The effectiveness of dry needling, like massage, depends on the skill level of the practitioner. The benefit to dry needling over massage is that it's quicker and more specific.
What should you not do after dry needling?

What should you not do after dry needling?

After dry needling, an individual should avoid highly strenuous or repetitive activities. However, low-intensity activity is beneficial.
Can dry needling cause nerve damage?

Can dry needling cause nerve damage?

Dry needling is a very safe technique, and the training courses teach the techniques necessary to avoid hitting a nerve. If the established safety protocols and techniques are disregarded, then temporary nerve injury can occur. In some instances, an individual's…
How long does dry needling relief last?

How long does dry needling relief last?

The duration of relief from a single dry needling session depends on the severity and number of trigger points that are being addressed. Typically, relief from a single session lasts from several days to several months or even longer. Permanent…
How painful is dry needling?

How painful is dry needling?

Dry needling causes soreness more so than pain. However, some individuals experience pain upon the insertion of the needle. Additionally, some areas of the body are more sensitive to needle insertion, and therefore may be more painful.
What does dry needling do for you?

What does dry needling do for you?

Dry needling is a technique to quickly relieve muscle or joint pain/tightness by eliminating myofascial trigger points (AKA "knots").
most common cause of back pain

What Is The Most Common Cause Of Back Pain?

It is estimated that 60-80 percent of American adults will suffer from neck or back pain during their lifetime. There is a good chance that you will experience back pain sometime in your life since it is one of the…
How Do I Know If My Back Pain Is A Muscular Or Spinal

How Do I Know If My Back Pain Is A Muscular Or Spinal?

Back pain sometimes makes it hard to tell whether it is caused by your muscles or your spine. Finding out what's causing your pain is critical to determining the right course of treatment. Research and clinical trials have found that…

FDA Cleared This Amazing Motion Sensor System

The FDA has granted 510(k) clearance to Scientific Analytics Inc.'s markerless DARI Health System. The company claims the system, "Is the world's first and only technology that delivers validated 3D kinematic and kinetic motion analytics without sensors, markers, or force…
dari motion system for physical therapy

DARI Motion Mapping System

The new technology that maps the human body’s movement is showing promise in several areas, a local therapist says. Chan Soon-Shiong Medical Center at Windber has been using the DARI Motion system for several months to track progress in physical…